As a brand ambassador to Mont Surfaces, Susie Frazier, is helping to raise awareness for a reflective design approach to home improvement, in which wellness and personal renewal are the priority. By combining Mont’s expertise in innovative trends and fine surface materials with Susie’s design-centered connection to nature, they're empowering consumers with ideas and tools to awaken their individuality through their own renovations. Read more...




The CI Journey is a unique transformational self-discovery and empowerment course that originally started at Stanford University’s MBA program by Dr. Michael Ray. CI Journey is considered the most life transformative course ever offered at Stanford.  This unique course is being taught all over the world, has been translated into 6 different languages and is available in 6 different countries. Whether you are in the middle of a job transition, a life transition, or simply stuck in one area of your life, this course is filled with practical tools and powerful techniques that will ignite self-discovery, awaken personal insight, and empower you to step fully into the life you desire!

Transformational coach, Diane Wervey, is now offering the 8-week course:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

6:30 pm at the Susie Frazier Showroom

See what you will learn and register to receive CI Journey Special Event pricing of $547, normally an $850 fee. 

Email  for more information. 




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